This is going to be somewhat speedy, as TF2 is raging all around my here in the fishbowl:
Wow! I have been here in Florida for exactly a week, and it has been quite THE experience. Working at Sentry has proven to be quite the blessing, and I know that I am going to continue both enjoying being here and attempting to take a sip out of a firehose of information. Monday was mainly spent moving here into the beloved "Fishbowl" and getting a desk, monitor, laptop, user accounts, and software configured. On Tuesday, I received my fist two tasks, which were both regarding some minor changes on the VPN Setup Tool in ImpMonster. However, though these tasks are quite minor and would take an experienced developer a matter of an hour or less, I have been working on them over the past three days, slowly moving along and learning the necessary new information as I progress. While I have a fairly extensive background in object oriented programming and some in SQL, my web programming knowledge was very minimal. I used HTML and javaScript the very first semester of college, and almost never since then, so my abilities with those two tools is next to none. Also, my project deals primarily with PHP, which I had never even seen, so needless to say, I have been learning quite a lot the past few days. A special thanks to Joe Heth for his patience and expertise on the phone, spending hours and hours running me on a crash course through web programming. Ok, well TF2 beckons, so I am fulfilling my promise to keep this short!
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